The guide to customizing your personal LinkedIn URL: Examples included

LinkedIn, the world's largest professional social network, is an important tool for professionals to connect with others in their industry.

Studies show that having a custom URL on LinkedIn can positively impact your ability to be found by recruiters and potential employers.

This article will provide you with all of the information you need to customize your personal LinkedIn URL whether you're new or already have one.

Why should you customize your public profile URL on a Linkedin profile?

It improves your profile's discoverability and sharing potential.

LinkedIn URLs are public, so there is the chance that someone will look you up by your URL.

Having a personalized URL no matter who you are, signals to others on LinkedIn and increases your chances of being found when people search for job opportunities or recruiters/employers looking to hire talent.

It increases your credibility

What does a bespoke LinkedIn URL say about you?

It says that you are a detail-oriented, serious candidate, who makes an effort to put their best foot forward. It also shows that you're technologically savvy.

It can be used in high-end materials

It's important to include your LinkedIn profile URL on your professional materials. This means it should be on your resume, your email signature, and your business cards.

A non-standard URL with strange characters or unusual symbols isn't going to cut it, but a personalized URL might be appealing.

How do I choose a good custom URL?

There isn't one specific formula to determine what makes a great Linkedin profile link but here are some things that can help:

  • The shorter the better! The fewer characters in your profile link mean it's going to be easier for people to remember and find you online. Keep this in mind if add numbers or symbols anywhere near the beginning of your personalized LinkedIn URL as these count towards the overall character count
  • Is there a relevant word or phrase at the beginning of your URL? If so, this is great! It's another way to help people find you online by searching for that term with keywords LinkedIn uses in its search engine.

How to Customize your personal LinkedIn URL

Navigate to your LinkedIn profile

Click on the "Edit public profile & URL" option on the top right

Click on the blue icon, so you should be able to completely customize your URL ending.

We recommend using your first and last name, as it appears on your resume, or a combination of your name and profession to maintain a consistent brand.

If you have certifications or degrees you can add those to make your URL unique. For example, “samuelcruz.”

This is how your custom URL will appear in a browser.

LinkedIn Public Profile URL Parameters

According to LinkedIn, your Public Profile URL should meet the following conditions:

  • The custom URL you provide has to be between 5 and 30 characters long. No spaces, symbols, or special characters are permitted.
  • Use a variation of your name and/or your professional brand since you’ll share this URL with people, so they can find your LinkedIn profile. Some job applications may also ask you for your LinkedIn profile URL.
  • The customizable part of the URL is case insensitive. This means using SamuelCruz, samuelCruz, or samuelcruz will all point to the same profile.
  • If the URL you want isn’t available, please select a different one. Think laterally. For example, use the middle letter of your middle name or reserve the order of your surname and first name. LinkedIn can’t make custom URLs available to members upon request.
  • Within six months, you may alter your URL up to five times.
  • If you use a URL and then modify it, the original URL will be inaccessible for six months to anybody other than the owner.

Custom LinkedIn URL Examples and Ideas

The majority of people will only use their names as personalized LinkedIn URLs. But what if you want to brand your business rather than your name?

You may also do that. Here are three instances of individuals taking advantage of their customized LinkedIn URL:

Example 1 - The Growth Hacker

Mike used his job title description to be his custom LinkedIn URL. It's a perfect way to brand yourself as a growth hacker and make it easy for people to find you.

Example 2 - The Distinctive URL Champ

Jack just picked his name. However, the fact that he was given a tiny and obvious URL on LinkedIn distinguishes him from all other URLs.

Example 3 - The Industries Owner

That's a fantastic trick. Consider how you'd explain to someone how to find you on LinkedIn: " Simply input/law/ at the end and you'll find me."

LinkedIn does not allow for a lot of customization, but there are plenty o ways to get creative with it in mind. If you have a lot of certifications or degrees, use the highest level. If your job title is what makes you unique, make that stand out in your URL.


If you want to use your name, that's perfectly fine. It is still a very valuable way for people to find you online and search by the keywords LinkedIn uses in their algorithm.

However, if you want to be more creative and distinguish yourself from other people's URLs, then by all means go for it!