What to Post on LinkedIn: 12 Best Ideas to Boost Engagement

What to Post on LinkedIn: 12 Best Ideas to Boost Engagement

Struggling to figure out what to post on LinkedIn? In this article, discover 12 effective content ideas that can enhance your engagement, visibility, and overall presence on the platform.

Key Takeaways

  • Consistently posting on LinkedIn boosts brand visibility, establishes thought leadership, and fosters community engagement among professionals.
  • Utilizing a diverse content mix including industry insights, personal stories, and visual elements enhances audience engagement and builds stronger connections.
  • Engagement strategies such as sharing achievements, curating trending topics, and celebrating special days create a relatable and trustworthy brand presence on LinkedIn.

Why Post on LinkedIn?

LinkedIn posts can significantly boost brand visibility. Increased brand visibility on LinkedIn translates into more followers, engagement, and leads. Establishing a presence on LinkedIn significantly enhances a business’s online reputation and brand trust. Active posting positions you and your business as industry thought leaders, enhancing trust and discoverability.

A LinkedIn Company Page can improve search engine discoverability for your business. Prioritizing LinkedIn posts effectively targets businesses and professional audiences. This is particularly important for B2B companies who want to reach decision-makers and industry professionals.

Moreover, LinkedIn allows for community building among professionals, fostering engagement and collaboration. Consistently sharing content on LinkedIn can lead to a higher likelihood of converting leads into customers. Involving employees in your company’s LinkedIn activities can help humanize your brand and increase its reach. Sharing diverse content enhances your professional presence and fosters meaningful connections.

Types of Content for LinkedIn

A visual representation of different types of content suitable for LinkedIn posts.

A diverse content mix is crucial for keeping your audience engaged on LinkedIn. Offering a mix of content types caters to varied preferences, transforming your LinkedIn page into a valuable information hub. This mix can include text posts, single-image posts, native videos, and documents. Different formats serve unique purposes and engage your audience in diverse ways.

Text posts can stimulate engagement by inviting questions or summarizing key takeaways. Single-image posts tend to attract more comments compared to text-only posts. Native videos can establish a deeper emotional connection with your audience, increasing engagement. Documents can be used to easily share important resources like reports or presentations, making them attractive for sharing.

Regular newsletters can keep your audience engaged by providing updates and insights. Offering insights, industry news, and research can position you as a thought leader on LinkedIn. Creating engaging posts with diverse formats maintains a vibrant presence and strengthens your personal brand.

Share Industry Insights

One of the most effective ways to create engaging LinkedIn posts is by sharing industry insights. Regular updates on industry developments keep you relevant and your audience informed. Writing detailed articles on LinkedIn can help showcase your expertise on industry trends. This not only positions you as a thought leader but also attracts a professional audience who seek valuable insights.

Sharing news stories on LinkedIn benefits your audience by positioning you as a trusted source of information. Interesting statistics can spark conversations and engagement. For example, sharing a compelling stat about your industry can encourage your audience to discuss their own experiences and insights in the comments.

Enhance your post visibility and interaction by sharing industry stats, surveys, case studies, and research. These elements offer actionable insights that your professional network can apply in their own work. Consistently sharing industry insights solidifies your reputation as a knowledgeable professional.

Highlight Professional Achievements

An illustration showcasing professional achievements and success stories shared on LinkedIn.

Celebrating professional achievements on LinkedIn is a great way to engage your network and inspire others. Awards, big contracts, new funding, and milestones are key achievements to share on LinkedIn. These success stories not only highlight your professional journey but also attract visibility and engagement from your connections.

Sharing promotions or certifications can also celebrate your success and boost your professional image. Highlighting employee accomplishments boosts their status and morale, and encourages brand advocacy. Valued and recognized team members are more likely to share company achievements, amplifying your reach.

Including acknowledgments for customers or suppliers in your posts shows appreciation and strengthens professional relationships. Highlighting employee contributions shows that the company values its team, enhancing its overall image. Sharing professional achievements crafts a narrative of success and collaboration that resonates with your audience.

Curating trending topics is a fantastic way to create engaging LinkedIn posts. Sites like X (formerly Twitter) provide a list of trending topics. Platforms like Taplio analyze millions of posts daily to identify what is currently trending on LinkedIn. By paying attention to these trends, you can ensure your content is timely and relevant.

Observing which posts gather the most likes, shares, and comments on LinkedIn can help you identify trending topics. Tracking engagement metrics on your posts related to trending topics can inform future content strategies. When you find a trending topic, find an article, take a screenshot of the headlines, and add your commentary. This approach not only keeps your content fresh but also invites your audience to engage with current events and industry trends.

Curating trending topics positions you as an informed and engaged professional. This practice can attract more followers and boost your overall engagement on LinkedIn.

Offer Career Tips and Advice

Providing actionable career advice on LinkedIn can set you apart and enhance your professional visibility. Sharing your own tips or curating interesting posts from others can effectively engage your audience. This type of content is particularly valuable for those looking to build a strong professional network and attract potential employers.

Crafting personal narratives significantly enhances audience engagement and brand connection. Choosing relatable and authentic stories can create a deeper emotional connection with your audience. Sharing posts about challenges faced during your career can resonate well and contribute to authenticity. Including lessons learned from projects in behind-the-scenes content shows transparency and a willingness to grow.

Offering career tips and advice not only helps your audience but also positions you as a knowledgeable and supportive professional. Providing expert tips and actionable insights fosters a community of growth and learning on LinkedIn.

Company News and Updates

Regularly updating your audience with company news fosters engagement and keeps your brand top of mind. Sharing status updates, job postings, and product launches can enhance your company’s visibility and attract new opportunities. Celebrating company milestones on LinkedIn can enhance your organizational image and attract new opportunities.

Consistent sharing of company culture news and achievements is crucial for maintaining audience interest and interaction. When you celebrate company wins, it not only boosts morale within your team but also showcases your company’s progress to a wider audience.

Updating your LinkedIn page with the latest news fosters transparency and trust. This practice helps build a loyal and engaged community around your brand.

Thought Leadership Articles

An illustration of thought leadership articles being shared on LinkedIn.

Thought leadership is crucial for building trust and credibility with your audience. Sharing valuable insights and content can position individuals or businesses as industry authorities. When you publish thought-provoking articles, you invite your audience to engage with your ideas and share their own perspectives.

Adding your own insights when sharing news can demonstrate expertise and invite discussion. Incorporating SEO titles and descriptions in your articles helps improve content discoverability. Publishing articles on LinkedIn allows direct interaction and sharing by followers, fostering engagement.

Consistently sharing thought leadership articles establishes a strong brand presence. This approach not only attracts more leads but also solidifies your position as a thought leader in your industry.

Engagement Posts

Creating engagement posts is an effective way to boost interaction on LinkedIn. Polls are particularly effective for quickly gauging audience opinions and driving interaction. Using the poll feature allows you to ask the audience questions and start meaningful discussions.

Engaging with followers by asking them to share their experiences or thoughts on special days can increase interaction. Utilizing polls and questions related to special days can create a dialogue and boost post engagement. Highlighting the development process of a new product or service can invite audience engagement and feedback.

Creating posts that invite audience participation enhances LinkedIn page interactivity. This not only boosts engagement but also fosters a sense of community among your followers through a LinkedIn post. Consider these linkedin post ideas to further engage your audience.

Share Personal Stories

Sharing personal stories on LinkedIn adds a human touch to your profile. Real-life experiences and stories related to your profession can humanize your profile and foster deeper connections with your audience. Sharing personal experiences and unique insights like lessons learned or interesting work incidents can attract attention and foster connections.

Human success stories are often more effective than numbers in making a connection with your audience. Sharing insights about your team and their roles can help humanize your brand and create a relatable image. Personal stories or reflections on special commemorative days can further humanize your brand and strengthen connections.

Sharing personal stories creates a unique perspective that resonates with your audience. This approach can significantly enhance your engagement on LinkedIn.

Visual Content

A visual representation of visual content strategies for LinkedIn posts.

Visual content, such as images, videos, and infographics, tends to attract higher engagement rates on LinkedIn. Utilizing multimedia elements like images, infographics, and videos can significantly enhance the storytelling aspect of your posts. Incorporating engaging visuals that reflect audience interests boosts engagement and provides valuable LinkedIn content ideas.

Regularly testing and measuring the performance of visual content, while posting during peak engagement times, is essential for optimizing strategies. Maintaining a consistent visual style and utilizing eye-catching formats like carousel posts can further enhance engagement.

By focusing on visual content, you can create engaging LinkedIn posts that captivate your audience and drive higher interaction.

Repurpose Existing Content

Repurposing existing content for LinkedIn extends content lifespan and reaches newer connections. Existing content can be repurposed for LinkedIn by summarizing blog posts or turning statistics into visuals. Posting short clips from webinars can effectively engage users without demanding extensive time commitments.

Selecting timeless blog posts with consistent readership is crucial for effective repurposing on LinkedIn. Explore different angles, update information, or expand upon older articles to enrich your LinkedIn posts. Consider creating micro lessons using existing content and sharing them as PDFs on LinkedIn.

Repurposing existing content enables you to create engaging LinkedIn posts without starting from scratch. This approach maximizes your content’s value and reach.

Behind-the-Scenes Glimpses

Behind-the-scenes glimpses provide a unique perspective, building a stronger brand presence and connection with your audience. Displaying behind-the-scenes content fosters a deeper connection with your audience by revealing the unique aspects of your corporate culture. This type of content allows your followers to see the human side of your business, making your brand more relatable and trustworthy.

This content type can be produced quickly and doesn’t require perfect presentation, making it accessible for busy professionals. Effective behind-the-scenes posts should align with your brand’s image and authentically reflect your values and personality. For instance, sharing a quick video of your team brainstorming content ideas or creating content for a big event can offer valuable insights and build a stronger bond with your audience through user generated content.

Incorporating behind-the-scenes content into your LinkedIn strategy offers followers a glimpse of your business’s inner workings. This transparency can significantly enhance your brand’s visibility and foster a sense of community among your audience.

Celebrate Special Days

Recognizing international or national holidays can resonate with audiences and encourage engagement. Creating themed posts for events like International Women’s Day or Earth Day can foster community and shared values. For example, a post celebrating International Women’s Day could highlight the achievements of women in your organization or industry, promoting inclusivity and recognition.

Highlighting awareness days related to issues relevant to your industry can enhance your brand’s relevance and commitment. Identify special days that resonate with followers and create posts about them. This approach not only shows that your brand is socially aware but also encourages your audience to engage with content that aligns with their values.

Celebrating special days connects you with your audience on a personal level. This practice helps in building a community that shares your brand’s values and enhances engagement on your LinkedIn page.


In summary, leveraging LinkedIn to its full potential involves a strategic mix of diverse content types. From sharing industry insights and highlighting professional achievements to curating trending topics and offering career tips, each content type plays a crucial role in building a robust LinkedIn presence.

By consistently engaging your audience with thought leadership articles, visual content, and behind-the-scenes glimpses, you can foster deeper connections and enhance your brand’s visibility. Celebrating special days and repurposing existing content further extends your reach and maximizes the value of your efforts.

Remember, the key to LinkedIn success lies in the variety and relevance of your posts. By implementing these 12 ideas, you can create a dynamic and engaging LinkedIn page that not only attracts followers but also builds a strong professional network. Start posting today and watch your LinkedIn engagement soar!

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the benefits of posting on LinkedIn?

Posting on LinkedIn is a powerful way to boost your brand visibility and build trust with a professional audience. Embrace this platform to connect, engage, and grow your community!

What types of content perform best on LinkedIn?

To maximize engagement on LinkedIn, leverage a diverse mix of content types such as text posts, single-image posts, videos, documents, and newsletters. By varying your approach, you'll capture your audience's attention and keep your content dynamic!

To discover trending topics for your LinkedIn posts, keep an eye on popular posts that receive high engagement, utilize tools like Taplio, and explore trending discussions on platforms like X (formerly Twitter). Dive in and start creating engaging content that resonates with your audience!

How can I repurpose my existing content for LinkedIn?

You can energize your LinkedIn presence by summarizing blog posts, transforming statistics into engaging visuals, and sharing short clips from webinars. This strategy not only extends the lifespan of your content but also captivates and connects with new audiences.

Why should I share personal stories on LinkedIn?

Sharing personal stories on LinkedIn humanizes your profile and fosters deeper connections, making you more relatable and engaging. By sharing your narratives, you attract attention and create a unique perspective that resonates with your audience!