The Ultimate Guide to Contacting Recruiters on Linkedin

If you are looking for a job, the first place to start is LinkedIn. Recruiters from all different companies post their jobs on LinkedIn and even if they don't have an open position, they might be able to recommend or connect you with another recruiter that does. If you want more information about how to contact recruiters on LinkedIn, keep reading!

LinkedIn is a networking site, and over 93% of hiring managers use it. So, it’s no surprise that recruiters are using LinkedIn to find people for their companies.

What is the difference between a Recruiter and a Hiring manager

The hiring manager is in charge of hiring and managing all the employees. They will usually reach out to recruiters when they need a new employee.

Recruiters find people for jobs by contacting them through phone or email, but also on LinkedIn if you are looking for work!

The best way to find a job is to reach a recruiter because hiring managers are in charge of hiring and managing all the employees. They will usually reach out to recruiters when they need a new employee.

Recruiters find people for jobs by contacting them through phone or email, but also on LinkedIn if you are looking for work!

The best way to find a job is to reach a recruiter because hiring managers won't always have their openings posted online.

Why You Should Contact Recruiters on Linkedin

  • Recruiters from all different companies post their jobs on Linkedin and can recommend or connect you with another recruiter that does.
  • You will be able to find a job faster because recruiters are always looking for quality candidates.
  • You will be able to stay in touch with recruiters and keep your profile fresh.

How to Find good Recruiters

Here are some tips on how to find the right person on Linkedin:

  • Use keywords in the search field to find recruiters from companies you are interested in applying for a job with (i.e., "recruiter Linkedin"). You can also use it as a keyword when searching your desired profession and then will come up with some good prospects!
  • Ask someone who works at the company if they know any good recruiters there - this is usually easier said than done but worth trying because sometimes people don't want to post their email addresses on Linkedin so this way might be more fruitful.
  • Search for the company that is hiring. If you don't know how to use google or other job boards like Indeed and Monster. Once you have found their Linkedin page, locate "Company Page" in the left navigation panel and click it. You should now see more details about that particular company's LinkedIn profile including recruiters with a seniority level of at least six months who are currently seeking opportunities within your area of expertise.
  • Ask your friends or family members who they hired and see if the recruiter was really helpful.
  • If you cannot ask people in person, use Linkedin to find out which recruiters are linked with good companies by looking at the profile of a company that interests you. When looking for potential recruiters from this perspective, it is important to look into how many connections each has on their profiles as well because more connections mean greater opportunities.
  • Find someone who has a lot of experience in recruiting also benefits hiring managers and candidates alike so they can offer insight about what kinds of skills employers want and what kind of jobs currently exist. This will allow them to recommend positions available through LinkedIn job posts or other sources like Google searches when you are looking for a job.

How to Approach a Recruiter on LinkedIn

A good recruiter is by default very busy, and they are often bombarded with messages on LinkedIn. To make their life easier, keep your message short and to the point:

- Let them know who you are (name)

- State what position you're seeking

- Provide a brief description of why this particular job is perfect for you

(if it's not LinkedIn related) also include an email address so they can send more information about open positions in that area.

Take Advantage of Linkedin Recruiter Tools!

There are many tools at your disposal when contacting recruiters on LinkedIn like InMail which allows users to send direct messages or Rapportive which provides data from one’s social media profiles within Gmail if given permission. These tools allow you to take the first step in communication with a potential recruiter and get your foot in the door.

Now it's time to connect with your recruiter.

What Should My Subject Line Be?

Subject lines are very important because they help the recruiter know what kind of message they're receiving.

Linkedin allows you to send messages without being linked but if it's from a stranger, most will ignore your email because people are usually just looking for jobs and won't have time to type out a long conversation so try not to waste their time with lengthy introductions or explanations about why you won't work at that company - instead, keep it short and professional: "Hi I'm [name] from Company XYZ am in search of any open positions available." This is good enough information for them right off the bat!

Here are some more subject line examples:

  • Hey {{FirstName}} I loved your new blog post
  • {{FirstName}}, a query from a prospective Marketing Manager
  • Hey {{FirstName}}, I'm interested in your openings for a Marketing Manager

How Long Should Your Message Be

When sending a Linkedin message to a recruiter, keep it short and concise. Keep your message to the point so that they can read more messages without feeling overwhelmed! Using LinkedIn Inmail, you can use 200 characters in the subject line and 1900 characters for your message body.

If you're linked with them on LinkedIn, then ask if they wouldn't mind giving you some advice or recommendations for jobs available in your area of expertise - this is a great way to start a conversation.

How to make your message Stand out (in a good way)

Keep it courteous! Although writing a novel is unnecessary, try to be thoughtful or flattering when reaching out. Ending a thank you message is also a good idea because it'll show that you're appreciative and professional.

If they follow up after your first message, ask for their number so you can call them - this will make the conversation feel more personal or in-depth than an email which might feel abrupt or impersonal.

You could even offer to buy coffee with them if they have time on some days! This will help the recruiter remember who you are when looking through messages later (especially helpful if there are hundreds of emails!)

Don't forget: When asking recruiters about jobs available at their company, be mindful of any confidentiality agreements that may exist between the two parties before divulging too much information.

Sample Linkedin Messages to Recruiter

Here are a few examples of how to message a recruiter on LinkedIn:

Examples - How to Reach Out to a Recruiter on LinkedIn

"Hi, I am writing in reference to the job posting for Senior Market Research Analyst. This is a position that matches my skills and experience very well. I would enjoy discussing this opportunity further with you."

"I saw your profile on LinkedIn and find it interesting what kind of work you do so when I saw the job post on LinkedIn for (position) thought about talking to you as it's one of those jobs that really suits me!"

"My name is (name), I'm looking for opportunities where I can use my analytical abilities which match up well with the requirements outlined in your recent Linkedin Jobs Posting: Web Analytics Coordinator at Company XYZ. When we have time could we please chat more? I have a few questions I hope you could answer."

Examples - How to Reach out to a recruiter on Linkedin after Applying for a job

"Hi {{FirstName}},

I applied for the position of Marketing Manager. I really hope to hear from you soon! Thanks in advance."

"Hi {{FirstName}},

Thank you so much for taking the time to review my application and resume. If we have a chance, could I ask if this particular job is still open?"

Examples - How to Respond to a Recruiter on LinkedIn - Positively

"Hi {{FirstName}},

I am very interested in the Marketing Manager position. I can't wait to hear from you soon!

Thanks, (name)"

Examples - How to Respond to a Recruiter on LinkedIn - Negatively

"Hi {{FirstName}},

Thank you for your note about the {{JobRole}} role opening. Even though the company seems great and the position is interesting, I’m happy to be where I’m at this moment. With that said, if I am looking to make a change in the future, I’ll make sure to reach out.

Thanks again and good luck with filling the position!


When should you follow up with the recruiter?

It's wise to contact an applicant a day or two after applying. If a week has passed and you haven't heard back from them, it's time to ask the recruiter about your application status.

A polite follow-up email like this is appropriate:

"Hi {{FirstName}}, I just wanted to check in with you about my resume for the Marketing Manager position. It would be great if we could talk on the phone or have an interview."

Stay in touch with the recruiter

Sometimes reaching out to the recruiting team is not going to bring you instant outcomes for yourself but is important to stay in touch with them so they don't forget about you. It is important to send the recruiter an email, a tweet, or a LinkedIn message every few months.

A little reminder that you're out there and looking for opportunities will help you stay top-of-mind with recruiters when they are hiring in your field.

Final Thoughts

No matter what your skills are, there is a recruiter on LinkedIn who can help you find the perfect opportunity. If you're thinking about making a career change or want to learn more about an industry for professional development purposes, contact recruiters today and let them know how they can assist you.

How to Attract a Recruiter to Your Profile

You can attract lots of recruiters if you post regularly on Linkedin. Try to post at least once a day so that you'll have something new for recruiters to check out. We advise you to share your knowledge and value with your connections.

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